Tragic Motorcycle Accident That Could Have Cost 'The Texas Wheelers' Star Gary Busey His Life

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Veteran American actor, Gary Busey once had a near-death experience, which turned him into becoming a passionate advocate for traumatic brain injury treatment and prevention.

The "Point Break" actor honestly detailed his experience battling traumatic brain injury which occured from an accident he suffered in 1988 due to his negligence.

Gary Busey at CBS Studios, California.| Photo: Getty Images.


Busey left nothing out as he honestly addressed the crowd at a gathering which was held back in 2001, as documented by USA Today.

The “Silver Bullet” actor started by noting that the accident was “nearly fatal” and that it happened on December 4, 1988. He related the import of the tragic occurrence as he mentioned that “almost no one expected me to recover."

Gary Busey at the SiriusXM Studios in New York City.| Photo: Getty Images.

Busey further disclosed that he, fortunately, regained consciousness and the miraculous improvement is what continuously pushes him to spread the message of caution.

“I want people to understand that life is very important. And that if you're riding a motorcycle, skateboard, or bicycle without a helmet, you're challenging the face of death,” he said.

Texas Wheelers Cast. |Photo: Wikimedia Common.

His words were straight out of his experience as the after effects of the accident were worsened because he rode his bike without a helmet. Busey disclosed that he had only just left a bike repair shop when his machine slipped; he was driving at about 40 mph.

The actor was thrown over the handlebars, and his unprotected head came in sharp contact with the hard ground.

"I landed at the feet of a police officer and was rushed to an emergency room with a hole in my head the size of a half dollar," Busey told the audience.

Gary Busey. |Photo: Wikimedia Common.

Busey, who is now 75 years old, related that doctors deemed his survival a miraculous one and even mentioned that, had he gotten to the hospital even three minutes later, he may not have survived. Even at that, the accident left Busey in a coma for over a month.


Busey’s knowledgeable speech continued as he disclosed that while he was in a coma, he was aware of two important things. One, Busey explained, was that he “entered and returned from a spiritual realm.” That, he has continuously credited as the “foundation of his faith” ever since the unfortunate incident.

The second thing Busey was well aware of as he laid incapacitated in the hospital was how he had felt the “love and support of the people who surrounded me."

Actor Gary Busey at the SiriusXM Studio in New York City.| Photo: Getty Images.

The father of three regained consciousness in early 1989. His great will to live made his recovery a fast one, and he was discharged from the medical facility some five weeks after.

Till date, Busey is never too tired to talk about his narrow escape and passionately works to help prevent the occurrence of brain injuries through his advocacy for traumatic injury treatment and prevention.
