Girl-child educationanessential foundationfor a country to prosper says Samira Bawumia

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Hajia Mrs. Samira Bawumia, the Second Lady of Ghana, has emphasized the value of educating girls early in the process of developing a nation.

This occurred on Saturday, February 3, 2024, at the 70th anniversary celebration and Speech and Prize-giving Day of the Ola (Girls) Senior High School (SHS) at Ho in the Volta Region.

The Second Lady declared that “girl-child education cannot be overstated in the context of nation development.”

It serves as the cornerstone around which our inventive civilizations, resilient communities, and prosperous country are constructed.

She went on to say, “Educating a girl is about igniting a flame of empowerment, resilience, and transformation that burns through generations; it is not just about imparting knowledge.”

The Second Lady, who is renowned for supporting women’s emancipation and education in Ghana, complimented the government’s Free SHS initiative while speaking as the event’s special guest of honor.

“Free SHS has been a game-changer,” she said, especially for young girls who have historically encountered obstacles to receiving an education, such as financial limitations.

According to available data, girl-child enrolment has climbed by a staggering 11% since the policy’s introduction, thus she claimed it is appropriate.

Mrs. Bawumia urged the kids to be resolute and dedicated to their aspirations in her parting words. She expressed optimism for their future.

“The world, indeed, is your oyster. I have faith in your abilities to go forth and make your families and the nation proud”, she remarked.

The Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles founded Ola SHS, an all-girls institution, in February 1954 in Ho, in the Volta Region.

One of Ghana’s most esteemed all-girls schools is this one. Numerous brilliant women who have succeeded in a variety of endeavors have come from them.

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