The Rock Accused Of Running Away From Grayson Waller Backstage At WWE SmackDown

Publish date: 2024-05-04

The Rock generates a ton of attention to anything his name is connected to. That doesn’t mean he isn’t able to run from a possible backstage encounter. Apparently, that is what he did with Grayson Waller.

Grayson Waller and Austin Theory both appeared on WWE The Bump, where they were in rare form. The two heels fielded a few questions in their own unique way.

Austin Theory was asked about John Cena returning to WWE. After all, Cena came back for a couple of months. Theory rubbed a little salt in Cena’s wound as he brought up the fact that he beat him at WrestleMania 39, so he said, “Well that loss at WrestleMania, well that inspired him.”

Grayson Waller then said, that “They’re back now, because we are here,” as he referenced both The Rock and John Cena returning to WWE. The Rock’s return was simply a one-off appearance, but it still counted. He then went on to claim that The Rock took off when he saw the Grayson Waller Effect backstage.

“When he went backstage, he went off running. The Rock didn’t want to see Grayson Waller.”

Grayson Waller has not been shy about throwing shade at WWE legends, no mater who they are. The Rock has also been in Grayson Waller’s crosshairs on a time or two, and it’s anyone’s guess how much harder Waller would try if he thought that a match between himself and The People’s Champion was actually a possibility.

As Ringside News exclusively reported, The Rock is not in WWE’s plan at all right now. That’s not to say that the rumor mill isn’t churning with plenty of theories. Obviously, Grayson Waller wouldn’t mind being in that conversation, either.

Who would you book against The Rock in WWE? Let us know what you think about things in the comments section!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.
