How to extract Sheet names from Excel file using "com.crealytics.spark.excel" in Databricks (PySpark

Publish date: 2024-05-05

I have an Excel file in the azure datalake ,I have read the excel file like the following"com.crealytics.spark.excel") \ .option("header", "true")\ .option("sheetName","__all__")\ .option("inferSchema","true")\ .load("abfss://[email protected]/file.xlsx") 

Now Iam confused how to get just the sheetnames from that Excel file,is there any direct function to do that ?


2 Answers

As per the github link for spark-excel.. the following code should work - please try it...Code directly taken from the github page.

import com.crealytics.spark.excel.WorkbookReader val sheetNames = WorkbookReader( Map("path" -> "Worktime.xlsx") , spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration ).sheetNames val df = header = true, dataAddress = sheetNames(0) ) 

I reproduce the same in my environment with sample data. I got this output.

Please follow the below steps. To resolve this issue :

Step1: Mount your storage account with Azure data bricks:

dbutils.fs.mount( source = "wasbs://<container_name>@<stoarge_account_name>", mount_point = "/mnt/<mount_path>", extra_configs = {"<stoarge_account_name>":"<Access_key>"}) 

Step 2: Use to access the whole mount path:"/mnt/<mount_path>") 

enter image description here

Note: Use "/dbfs", instead of "dbfs:": The function expects a local file path

For example, This is my actual file path: dbfs:/mnt/dem/read-employees-csv.xlsx. I modified the file path like this /dbfs/mnt/dem/read-employees-csv.xlsx. And also make sure to install openpyxl and fsspec . Use this code to install packages : pip install openpyxland pip install fsspec

Now, execute the below code. You will get the list of sheets:


import pandas x1 = pandas.ExcelFile('/dbfs/mnt/dem/read-employees-csv.xlsx') print(x1.sheet_names) 

enter image description here

