The Biggest Controversies Surrounding Motley Crue

Publish date: 2024-05-05

In 2019, Mötley Crüe's biographical film "The Dirt" arrived on Netflix, starring Douglas Booth, Machine Gun Kelly, Daniel Webber, and Iwan Rheon as the notorious foursome of Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, and Mick Mars respectively. Much like the group the film is based on, the production had its fair share of controversy too.

As per The Advocate, a crew member named Louis DiVincenti sued the musical outfit and Netflix for $1.8 million in damages over the injuries he reportedly suffered on set. DiVincenti served as a rigging grip on "The Dirt" and worked on the New Orleans-based production.

According to DiVincenti, he experienced second- and third-degree burns on his body after an electrical accident. Asa result, he endured several surgeries, skin grafts, and had to have his foot amputated after the incident in question. DiVincenti's legal team claimed that both Mötley Crüe and Netflix didn't adhere to safety protocols nor take the proper measures to ensure his safety in the production; therefore, believing they should be held liable for his injuries.
