Kliq/DX/NWO | WrestleZone Forums

Publish date: 2024-05-07
Hopefully I'm not alone in saying that I thought the match took the wrong turn to ridiculous last night. I'm all for nostalgia, and from that point of view, it was incredibly entertaining. Nostalgia aside, it was unnecessary and ridiculous. DX was one thing and I could accept that, but when the nWo hit the ring, it was like the retirement home had invaded WrestleMania. I mean, come on guys, what was this all about? All along, they have been saying it's not about WWE vs WCW, and last night it was exactly about that.

The match was going great before all this happened. I was thoroughly enjoying it and just marking out at the fact that Sting was performing at WrestleMania, and performing well. The involvement of DX and the nWo, for me, did nothing for the match other than add a sense of cool nostalgia. Usually I don't mind the Kliq. Their three hundred-plus reunions the past couple of years is a little overkill at times, but their lack of involvement in storylines I think means I can accept that. But this is just a no for me.

I don't want to come across as some typical angry mark or anything, because I'm not. I just don't understand why last night's events had to happen. The Kliq still being a thing is fine with me, but I don't think we needed this. I'm not tired of the Kliq, but I didn't care for their participation last night. I understand a lot of people did though, and if you enjoyed it, hopefully you got all you wanted from it.
