D&D 5E - Have Scorching Ray and eldritch blast been nerfed somehow with charisma?

Publish date: 2024-05-08
Well, I still think it is not the RAI as Crawford does say that he has that mechanic under watch.
In the rules it is stipulated that if you are affected simultenaously by similar effects, only the strongest of these effects will take place.

You have been squeezed between two fire walls. Do you take dmg 2x or simply the strongest?
Answer: Only the strongest, of course.

You are hit by three sword swing. Do you take dmg 3x st bonus and other only once?
Answer: 3x. As the attacks are not simultaneous.

By the same token, Eldtritch blasts are all simultaneous. That is why I would only add cha bonus once per targets that are hit. So would repeling blast only push the target 10' and not 40'. If you apply this 4 times, we will have warlocks all over the place very fast.

It is not because this ability is for a player that it should beat the general rule. I know that specific beats general but there is a limit to the power of what should be logical. I really think its not the RAI to apply cha bonus to all bolts when only one target is concerned. I think that in this very case we have an other example of poor wording.
