Did Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau get along?

Publish date: 2024-05-09

John Uhler Lemmon III popularly known as Jack Lemmon was an actor who worked in the United States.

Lemmon was recognized for his anxious, middle-class everyman screen image in dramedy pictures, which led The Guardian to dub him “the most successful tragi-comedian of his age.” Lemmon was considered to be equally good in both tragic and comic performances.

Walter Matthau was also an American actor, comedian, and film director. He was born Walter John Matthau on October 1, 1920, and he passed away on July 1, 2000.

Did Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau get along?

In the 20th century, American male actors Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau appeared in 10 films together, co-starring in eight. In addition, Lemmon directed the 1971 film Kotch, in which Matthau featured (and had an uncredited cameo by Lemmon).

Off-screen, they were the greatest of friends, but on-screen they argued often. The graves of Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau are around 50 feet apart. The epitaph for Jack Lemmon is a work of art.
