Fat Jokes and Ugly Jokes

Publish date: 2024-05-09
I seem to remember the Raw after Extreme Rules 2009, and Edge came to the ring and hurled the same sort of remarks at her. He basically noted that he married her for her power, found her worthless, and called her a she-beast. Similar to what Cena and Lawler said last night. The link for it is here.


I dont understand the rationale for WWE doing this. It was somewhat acceptable for Edge doing this, because he was a heel. But this was an embarrassment to John Cena and the entire WWE. There is no room for this. I don’t get what the fascination is with picking on Vickie like this. Sure, she's not a Diva, but this is over the top.

Cena is your top draw. Even moreso, he's booked to be a role model to kids. Making the comparison between a stand-up comedian making these jokes and Cena doing so doesn't hold water here because that's the norm for a stand-up comedian. Ive never been to a stand-up show and expected anything less. But the standard here is different, and needs to be examined in that manner. As WWE has gone PG, its hard to condone your top babyface ridiculing someone for her looks and weight alongside your most tenured broadcaster.

Look, I may seem uptight about this, but Im not. I laughed upon first airing, but as a friend, my wife, and I discussed the show afterwards, I noted this to be both funny, as well as the low point of the show for me. It's always been Cena's M.O. to make fun of people, virtually since the day he got a gimmick. But as someone whose portrayed as standing up for "Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect", there wasn't a whole lot of the latter in this exchange. I dont think youre being uptight whatsoever. Was it funny? Sure. Was it honorable? Hell no.
